Sunday, May 29, 2011

How To Build A Magnetic Generator

Have you been trying to figure out exactly how to build a magnetic generator by using some DIY homemade kits? If so - then keep reading this article because you are about to be pleasantly surprised. First of all let’s try to understand how it all works. A magnetic power generator is a device which is built using the first law of thermodynamics where the device is able to function efficiently when a load is applied without making use of any other external power sources. A magnetic generator does not require any external power sources, and works off the grid. However. The magnetic generator appears the same as standard transformers and the generator has two actuator coils and permanent magnets.

As you continue to discover and learn more in your search of how to build a magnetic generator you will realize that it contains battery cells which are charged up when in motion. The DIY magnetic generators are easy to assemble and work efficiently. And depending on the size of your custom generator it can expel a large amount of energy. But for starters it’s a good Idea to begin working with a smaller model until you get accustomed to how it all works.

One of the best things about learning how to build a magnetic generator is that fact that it is a very environment friendly form of energy. It is very clean and doesn’t polute the atmosphere. And if you ask me it’s about time that we start doing something positive to preserve our atmosphere and ozone instead of constantly polluting it with carbon emissions and green house gases.

I know that there are people who are generally skeptical about a lot of things that are not common place or widely accepted. But it is just a fact that this works. You can now cut your monthly power bill in half. So just think about what you can do with all that money that you will save.

I'll give you an example. I currently have two builds of the magnetic generator. One small one which was the first one that I built, and then a much bigger one which I built with the money I was saving. So right now I’m currently paying less than half of my electricity bill. And only just a year and a half ago I was sinking my entire paycheck into the light bill and other expenses and now I’m almost free of them for good.

I’m currently saving up to build another big one which will make this possible. Did you know that if you actually produce your own power you can sell it back to the electric companies? That will be the ultimate payback for decades of being a slave to them. So don’t hesitate and learn how to build a magnetic generator as soon as possible.

You can find a detailed guide on How to Build a Magnetic Generator by visiting this link. Thanks for visiting, and I wish you good luck.

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